MMPR S.01 E.05 “Different Drum”

Animal Spirits Unleashed

Power Rangers Different Drum

Kimberly’s deaf friend feels out of place in dance class because she has trouble following the movements since she can’t hear the instructions or the music to follow along. Some of the girls in the dance class decide to hang out with her and are hypnotized by the haunting music that Rita’s monster uses to lure them away. Kimberly’s deaf friend is the only one unaffected and therefore is the only one that can help the girls.

OK so this is the disabled/ill-people-are-the-same-as-us episode and there was a lot of that sort of thing back in the early 1990s in children’s TV with the most notorious example being Captain Planet and the Planeteers episode discussing HIV. Now I am not disrespecting that, I think its a good thing, but where these efforts fell flat is that they actually overly emphasized the disability or illness that was in focus. Instead of…

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